Mouse-ear Hawkweed
From the family Asteraceae, Mouse-ear Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum Vaill.) is a perennial that reproduces by stolons, rhizomes and seeds
Leaves are restricted to the basal part of the plant and are egg-shaped with narrow bases - both sides
of the leaf are hairy
The flower is borne at the top of the stem and measures 1.3 to 2.0 cm in diameter
Seeds are produced asexually and each flower can produce 12 to 30 small black ribbed seeds
Hawkweed seeds can remain viable in the soil for up to seven years
An entire generation can take only four months to complete
Hawkweeds die back over the winter and regenerate each year from their underground rhizomes
Seeds generally are not carried great distances by wind and often fall to the soil within an
existing infestation, thus, contributing to increasing the size and density of established locations
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