PS - I really need to add a post-script fir my first message & fir the title of this blog. As you have no doubt surmised I use the word "fir" to represent the word "for" which is a purposeful choice, not a spelling error. My spouse is continually urging me to make sure I correct such mistakes in my correspondence before sharing it. One of the health strategies I have developed over my lifetime relates to trees. This means going out to be in nature & be near a tree whenever possible. It also means reminding me of the trees in my written communication. The word "fir" reminds me of trees. When I use fir to represent for (which actually occurs more frequently than one might suspect) I think of trees. Whenever I think of trees I try to remind myself to be thankful to the trees who provide the life-giving oxygen that allows my breath. For no matter how badly I am feeling, as long as I have the gift of my breath, I have the gift of life. And it is a gift (regardless of how badly it may feel sometimes)... All for now, Sue 8)
PPS - When I first started using "fir" to replace "for" I used it as a replacement in all words that contained "for"..,. Words like "firgot" to replace "forgot" & "firever" to replace "forever" became a part of my strategy. Albeit an honorable attempt to thank the trees, it did make fir some tricky communications. Many of my family members were relieved when I went back to simply using the word fir to replace the word for (fir which I still get a considerable amount of grief...)
PPSS - I almost neglected to include a mindful moment fir this post-script post. Today, the mindful moment is to remember to every now & then say thanks to the trees. That does not mean replacing for with fir, but it can be a mindful moment when you stop and give thanks fir your breath & being alive & giving thanks to the trees that made that breath possible...
Since this is my first official post after the introduction of the blog, I will once again respond to my own post. Who knows, maybe I'll make this an ongoing strategy to remember to thank myself first & truly be with my own truth.