Health is the Flora of Today: Snow in Summer


Snow in Summer
Cerastium tomentosum (snow-in-summer) is an herbaceous flowering plant 
It is a member of the family Caryophyllacea
It is generally distinguished from other species of its genus by its felty foliage
It is densely hairy covered with silky, silvery, frizzy and entangled hairs that form a whitish felting
It is a low, spreading perennial native to alpine regions of Europe
The stems & leaves are silvery-grey, whilst the flowers are star-like, white & about 15mm across
This plant is an evergreen, creeping off-shoot, perennial, herbaceous plant 
The flowering period is generally from May to July in the northern hemisphere
It has proven popular as a cultivated ornamental and can be found in gardens the world over
It is a perennial plant that forms dense silver carpets
This plant is not very demanding: it likes a poor soil, rich in gravel, well drained, in a sunny place
