Well here I am. It has taken me any years to get here, and against all odds I have made it to this moment, here, now. This is a blog of random, definitely not chronological stories of my journey with health. Health is everyone's concern. But it has been on my radar more than most people on account of the unique combination of illnesses, diseases, infections, accidents, events and various other sundry experiences that have made me who I am and have made my health journey what it was & is. We all have experiences with health. It is my hope that in sharing some of mine, it might connect with others so that we can continue the health journey together...
Here goes...
Sue 8)
aka SLRSB... AKA Susan Lynn Rothenburg Stevens Boutilier... a.K.a. SLRS.Boutilier@gmail.com
Coming to you from my home in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Mindfulness "fir the health of it" has become an important part of my health journey, so I am going to try to include Mindful learning moments at the end of each post. Fir today, my mindful learning moment is to be thankful fir being alive...
I guess I have to start by appreciating myself. Way to go Sue!!! If no one else reads these posts, that is okay. I am primarily doing them fir me, and my family, and fir anyone else who might benefit from the dialogue...