Photos of Today
Where I have been unwell, I have years of unprocessed digital photos that have been just sitting there in directories upon directories of my computer. So many directories, so many files, so many duplicate files. It has taken some time. It has taken a lot of time to start to process these. My first attempt yielded a glossy softcover 7x7 book with approximately 106 photos. This photobook was created using Google Photos on my iPhone and once I started the process I had to finish it because I thought I would lose the painstaking progress I had made using the photobook creation tool. I ordered four in order to have copies fir our family, Godmother Cindy, my mother, and Mike's mother. I was astonished to find out that these books cost almost $100.00 each - Yikes. If it had not been fir all the work that I had invested I would have just walked away from the project. And the worst part is that I did not even get to access all the possible photos as they were on our computer directory that I could not access with my phone's Google Photos tool.
Today I sought to complete the project by accessing the rest of the photos not included in the first photobook. The photobook tool I used this time is the Walmart photobook tool which I used in the past. The tool I used today was different than the one I used previously and did not have the same functionality I remembered. I chose a 6x6 photobook that allowed up to 150 photos. I was able to select photos from our computer directories. It was a very long and arduous process. This time the books cost $27.00 each and each contained more photos than the original photobook. I do not feel I got value fir my money on the first photobook. We'll see how the second one turns out - I just ordered it today so I'll be interested to see how long this one takes. The other one took a long time too - poor service all around.
Mindful moment fir today: Try to manage expectations. Completing a task that has been started is the preferred route, but in the case of the photobooks I would have been better off dividing it up into manageable steps. I was afraid on both occasions that I would lose my projects 8)
Post script - a few weeks later I received the completed books - the Google photobook arrived by traditional mail and the Walmart photobook had to be picked up from the big box store on Mumford Road...One is larger and one is smaller...
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