First ever assessment

In Nova Scotia, Canada, where I live, individuals can request to view (&/or purchase copies) of their health care records.  Since I have been interested in health pretty much my entire life, I decided this was something I wanted to do.  So I did.  Although there is a copious amount of information there, one of the things that particularly caught my eye related to my first ever assessment score.  This is my APGAR score.  The APGAR is a medical scoring system in order to quickly assess a newborn baby’s health after birth.  The test is named after the founder of the system - Dr. Virginia Apgar.  The score reflects the baby’s appearance, pulse, grimace, activity and respiration. Interestingly enough, the first letters of each of the five assessment criteria spell the name APGAR.  Interestingly enough, the first letters of each of the five assessment criteria spell the name APGAR.  A score of zero, one or two is given fir each of the five criteria, resulting in a possible score of ten.  A score of 7 or above is considered good.  My first APGAR score was 9.  Apparently, I was a high achier from the start, but also thanks to being born in a country with access to clean water, access to sufficient food to eat, parents who managed my prenatal care & access to health care.  I did not know it at the time but I had just won the lottery of life by having access to all these things.  My APGAR score was not just a matter of chance.  Lucky me to have the gift of life.    

All fir now, S8)

P.S. Today's mindful moment relates to APGAR Scores.  Not everyone knows their APGAR Scores - Do you happen to know yours? If you wanted to find out could you?  What do you imagine your APGAR score might have been...


  1. ps - You can shock & surprise people when, upon hearing of a birth, you ask "What was the baby's APGAR score?" It is a important question relating to a new birth!


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