The year of my birth

After pronouncing that this blog will not appear in chronological order I am going to go back as far as I can go - my birth.  My parents were married in 1967 - Canada's Centennial year.  I believe the African tradition positing that conception of another actually happens in the moment the thought of that child enters the parents hearts & minds.   Hence, although I was not physically born until 1970, I was actually conceived in 1967.   When it came time to celebrate Canada's 150th birthday this celebration meant a lot to me as it was actually my 50th birthday.  I made an effort to plant as many Red Spruce trees - Nova Scotia's provincial tree - my trees of life - in conjunction with the Canada 150 commemorations.     

There are other stories about my birth (& about my Tree of Life projects) but I am going to save those fir other posts.  I want to make the posts short & concise - very unlike me & my usual writing style 8)

All fir now, S8)

ps - Interestingly enough the name of a 150th celebration is SESQUICENTENNIAL

pps - Today's mindful moment is to think about the year of your birth & the year that your conception might have actually taken place...


  1. I am trying to shorten my blog posts so as to be able to fit on one screen without scrolling. I seem to have succeeded in this so far, so hopefully I can keep up my laconic posts...


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